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Beginners SIG
Neal Scott, Coordinator

    We all have to start somewhere, and the Beginners SIG (Special Interest Group) is a group for WHAGS members who aren't experts (yet) to meet, discuss, and learn about the basics of genealogy and building your family tree. 

    Each month we'll cover a different topic and talk about it in easy-to-digest terms and language... even DNA!  Topics planned now include, Getting Started, DNA, Organizing All My Stuff, Organizing Digital Records, Genealogy Websites such as, Find-a-Grave, and WikiTree, and more.

    Each month will also include an open Q&A session to help you with your beginners questions.


Next meeting:  Tuesday, April 22nd, 10:00 am, via Zoom.


​​​​April topic:  FamilySearch Website​​


Please visit the Beginners SIG Page in the Members Only area for the Zoom link and copies of current and past handouts.

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