Gail Colby, Coordinator
The DNA Special Interest Group (SIG) is a forum for WHAGS members to meet and learn about DNA and its use in genealogical research. We will learn together and help each other solve any DNA-related mysteries. Members of all levels of DNA knowledge are welcome to learn and help other members.
In the SIG we will work our way through the book Genetic Genealogy in Practice by Blaine T. Bettinger and Debbie Parker Wayne. Meetings are normally held the 1st Tuesday of the month at 10am via Zoom.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 7th, 10:00 am, via Zoom
Topic: DNA Questions...
Do you have a mystery match? Do you have a brick wall that DNA may help break?
How do I interpret my results? What do these numbers mean?
How do all these people match me? Where do they belong on my tree?
DNA is another tool in your genealogy toolbox. Bring your DNA questions, brick walls, conundrums, etc., and let's explore YOUR DNA and help unravel your DNA tree!
Please visit the DNA SIG page in the Members Only area for more information, copies of past and current handouts, and an active Zoom link to our meetings.