Yes, we are on Facebook! We hope you will friend us there and that it will become a place, not just for announcing guest speakers, but for members to connect with each other regarding research. Ask a research question, share a great website you found, mentor other learners.... these sorts of things. Let's make it a place that will help grow interest in genealogy as well as in our Society.
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The Leaflet is WHAGS email communications, or "eNews," sent out on Tuesdays prior to any society event and on other Tuesdays as appropriate. This one emailing puts all our routine and frequent communications needs into a single communiqué so members' mailboxes are not overloaded with messages about all our events and activities.
WHAGS Newsletter
Our Society has a regular newsletter, The WHAGS Journal, available to all members. Each issue contains one or more feature articles, often related to that month's meeting presentation; a message from the President; stories and contributions from members; and a calendar of upcoming events. Ideas for other articles are always welcome! Contact the Newsletter Editor to contribute.