WHAGS Writers
Ron Ware, Coordinator
Here at WHAGS, we have formed a writers special interest group (SIG). The purpose of the group is to help folks who are not authors but want to leave their genealogy legacy through stories about their ancestors. The group, named WHAGS Writers, through regular meetings will help each other improve our writing skills by sharing ideas and reviewing each other’s work.
We will learn to use the “Creative Non-Fiction” genre in a scene and summary format. The writer will learn to tell the story of his or her ancestor by using facts from research documents, and writing a scene that will bring the story to life and hold the readers interest.
Our organizational meeting was held in October of 2023 and future meetings will be via Zoom on the 3rd Thursday of each month.
Next meeting: Thursday, April 17th 3:00 pm, via Zoom​
Ron advises he has room to accept another member or two in the group, so if interested, join in on the Zoom meeting.
Please visit the WHAGS Writers page in the Members Only area for links to any handouts and future Zoom meetings.